Want to appear more prominent in your Facebook Friend's news feed? Here's how.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
"How to Increase your Facebook EdgeRank "
Saturday, August 06, 2011
PLR vs. Ghostwriting: Which is Better?
By Nicole Dean
Private Label Rights (PLR) articles and ghostwritten articles are both options when you need web content. Each is unique in its qualities and each has its drawbacks.
So, when you need content, which should you choose? Let’s analyze both options to find out which option is right for you.
Ghostwritten Articles
Ghostwritten articles are written just for your use. You own the article and can do whatever you’d like to with it.
1. The article is unique to you and you do not share the content with anyone else.
1. Ghostwritten articles are quite a bit more expensive per article than PLR packages.
2. You have the responsibility of finding a good writer.
3. The quality can be questionable.
4. You need to check your articles to make sure your ghostwriter isn’t stealing content. Unfortunately that does happen.
PLR Articles
PLR articles are pre-written articles that are sold in packages, or as part of a monthly membership.
1. PLR articles are much more affordable than ghostwritten ones.
2. The content is ready, so you don’t have to wait for a ghostwriter to become available or find a ghostwriter who is available.
1. The content is not unique. You share the articles with the other people who purchased the package or membership.
2. You can’t submit the PLR articles to article directories.
3. The quality can be questionable.
4. You have to find PLR packages in your niche – or hope that the membership you signed up for sends you ones that you can use.
How can you even the odds between the two? Find a quality PLR service that allows you choose your topics. If the articles are well written, and their distribution is limited, it’s almost as good as getting ghostwritten content just for you. That way, you get the best of both worlds – quality content at a great price.
Article written by:
Nicole Dean is the owner of EasyPLR.com – where you’ll find high-quality PLR articles sold in very limited quantities. The PLR articles at EasyPLR are professionally written and professionally edited — top quality at an affordable price.
Related articles
- How to Use Private Label Rights to Get Content for Your Blog (problogger.net)
- How to Boost PLR Profits Right (successarticlewritingtips.wordpress.com)
- Profit From Your Unused PLR Content (ronmedlin.com)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
“Save on Startup Costs with Your Online Business”
Starting a business takes determination and preparation. Oh, and it also takes money. How much money you need depends on the type of business you want to start. For an online business, you can make that dream come true and save some green in the process.
What is the first thing that people ask about with a business? Usually it’s “What will it cost me in the beginning?” With an online business you are already ahead of the game because you avoid many of the costs that come with owning a traditional brick-and-mortar company.
Even so, there will be some costs that you have to shoulder. If your capital is limited, you can still get things going. It may take some legwork and time but it is absolutely doable.
Here are the 3 main costs associated with starting an online business.
Domain Name Purchases – In order to have a presence online, you’ll need a website address or URL. There are specials all the time for domain name purchases, but you can get your domain name for less than $10 a year in most cases. Be careful not to get sucked into buying all the extras most domain name registrars try to get you to purchase when you purchase a domain. Stick to only purchasing the domain name.
Hosting – In order for your website to actually show up on the Internet you’ll need to purchase hosting for your domains. You can purchase this inexpensively with hosting companies such as Hostgator. Award winning web hosting. Affordable rates and tremendous customer service.
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Website Design – If you aren’t proficient in web design or HTML, you’ll need someone to set your website up for you. There are a few different options for getting this done:
• Hire a Designer: This is the most expensive way to get things done.
• Site Builder: You can build your site yourself with programs like SiteBuildIt. Learn how and save money by doing it yourself.
• Included with Hosting: Look for deals with your hosting company. For instance, when you purchase a ReliableWebs.com hosting package you can get a WordPress blog (using the WP platform as your main site is very common due to its ease of use and flexibility) installed on your domain for free. Any customization is up to you, but it’s a start that doesn’t cost anything extra.
If you need fresh content try PLR
Here are some tips for purchasing additional items you’ll need to run your business online.
1. Negotiate – All you can do is ask for what you want. When it comes to buying computers and other office equipment, there is some room for haggling. Find the best payment plans you can to help you to offset the cost. This goes for telephone services, answering services and high-speed Internet rates too.
2. Shop around - Buying computers online at sites like Dell.com allows you to add the features you need and pay the price you want to pay. Printers don’t cost as much as they used to. If you need a fax machine and a printer, look for deals on all-in-one equipment so you can save money.
3. Buy in bulk – When you need paper, printer ink and other office supplies, buy as much as you can when a deal comes along. Even if it takes you an entire year to use the paper, you know that you will use it so it doesn’t matter.
4. Ask for advice from others – For example, you’ll need hosting for your website. While there are dozens of web hosting companies out there, both paid and free everyone’s needs differ. What are your needs? If you know other online entrepreneurs, ask who they use. Keep in mind that high price doesn’t necessarily equate with good quality, just like low price doesn’t always mean poor quality.
5. Use what you already have for now – The best thing about an online business is that it is operated from your computer. Most people already have one of those. It may not be the top of the line model, but if it has high speed Internet access and a word processing program, you can get started.
There are costs that you can avoid by starting an online business versus an offline one, but you still have to spend some money. The above five tips will help you to whittle down the costs you do have even more. This allows you to get your new enterprise up and running as soon as possible. And, don’t forget all these costs can be written off on your income taxes so don’t forget to keep records.
Related articles
- How To start An Online Business (tiffanyproducts.wordpress.com)
- Create An Online Store In 8 Steps (marketersdaily.com)
- How to set up a new website - Step 3 - Set up your hosting and WordPress shell (flowingmotion.jojordan.org)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
““Need Quality Content for Your Blog or Website?”
The life of an internet marketer revolves around one thing: Content. You need articles for your blog, more great content for your newsletter or ezine, and even more quality articles if you plan to do article marketing or guest blogging to get free advertising for your website. So, before you throw in the towel completely, let me share a few ideas with you that may help you to actually have time away from your computer.
When looking for articles, you have several options. I personally recommend that you use several of these suggestions to add a variety of content to your websites.
I'll start with a few of my favorites...
Grab some Free Reprint Articles at the Directories.
Article directories like http://EzineArticles.com, http://LadyPens.com and http://ArticleBase.com are packed with quality articles that you can reprint on your site. The only requirements are that you do not edit the article in any way and that you include the author's resource box (or bio) at the end including the link or two that the author has included to his/her website.
It's a win-win situation. The author gets free advertising. You, the publisher, get free content.
There are three negatives to using this type of article.
· First is the issue of duplicate content. You're sharing the same exact articles as everyone else that uses that directory. This is not a big deal at all if you're using the article in your ezine, obviously, since duplicate content is only an issue with the search engines. It's also not a huge issue for your blog or website, as long as you write an introduction to the article, and preferably a wrap-up statement or recommendation at the end.
· Second is the very difficult issue of finding quality content. Gone are the days of grabbing any old free reprint article. You want Expert Content only – and many of the article directories have “bleck” articles.
· Third is the issue of posting those darn links in the author resource box. You're basically advertising for someone else for free. Ouch.
Good news! I can help you with the free advertising part in the next section of this article.
Use Extra-Special Free Reprint Articles.
Oftentimes ebook owners and other marketers with affiliate programs offer articles with a twist. You get to replace the link(s) in the author resource box with YOUR affiliate link for that program.
Here you'll find many articles that meet that criteria: http://freeaffiliatearticles.com/wp/
OR, if your favorite Experts regularly offer reprint articles, ask if this is an option for you.
That way, the expert still gets free advertising. And, you, the publisher, still get great content. But, you can also benefit by earning affiliate commissions as well.
This model definitely adds an increased level of appeal compared to traditional reprint articles. Wouldn't you agree?
Write the Articles Yourself.
You can choose to write some of your web content yourself. I highly recommend that you do write much of your own content, at least on the sites where you're trying to establish yourself as an authority.
However, there are options below that will enable you to post quality content to your website without having to write all of it yourself. (Some you can just edit and use.) The difference in the options below is that YOU become the expert, rather than endorsing someone else as the expert.
Hire a Quality Ghostwriter or Copywriter.
A ghostwriter is a freelancer who writes for you (usually articles or reports), but you take the credit.
A copywriter specializes in writing copy that sells, and you usually take the credit.
There are many sites on the web where you can find writers. Start by asking around, or go to sites like elance.com (a job posting site) or Shelancers.com (a directory of freelancers) to look around. Having a ghostwriter on hand can keep your blog fresh and active.
Our Favorite Shortcut: Stock up on PLR articles.
PLR articles stands for Private Label Rights articles. PLR articles are usually written by a ghostwriter and sold to several website owners. This means that you (and a limited number of other bloggers) can edit the articles and publish them without being required to link back to anyone or give anyone credit for writing them. You become the expert when using PLR articles.
Customize the articles, tweak them for your market, insert examples or photos or case studies and publish them on your website -- or just use them as they are. Either way, you gain a lot of flexibility when working with PLR. Not only that but they are very affordable.
So, How do you Find a Good PLR Service?
Simple. Find a PLR site that's been around for awhile and offers professionally-written and edited content that's sold in limited quantities. That will ensure that you're not getting recycled PLR, but are getting your hands on top-quality content.
Our Recommendation for Top Quality PLR, Sold in Very Limited Quantities:
EasyPLR.com has been offering the best niche plr article packs on the web since 2006.
- Great reputation. Thousands of happy, repeat customers over the years.
- Great quality. The content is written by Professional Writers on staff and Edited by a Separate staff member.
- Limited Availability. You're not sharing your articles with thousands of other people.
- Run by a Respected Internet Marketer. Nicole Dean owns EasyPLR.com and is oftentimes called the marketer with integrity, and runs her business by her gut and her ethics, not strictly by her pocketbook.
- Excellent customer support. Need any help? They're there for you.
I'm a customer at EasyPLR.com and I highly recommend their content. Check it out here.
Related articles
- PLR Articles and Duplicate Content (searchenginepeople.com)
- A Quick Look At Article Marketing And The Way In Which It Works (ronmedlin.com)
- Effective Internet Marketing Through Ezine Advertising (marketersdaily.com)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
“Kindle and Ads: Coming Soon to a Kindle Near You”

Image by goXunuReviews via Flickr
So the big news of the day is Kindle's decision to launch a new Wi-Fi Kindle this one complete with ads. Yes, that's right, I said ads, as in advertisements. I know what you're thinking just what I need more ads. Now I have a Kindle and love it, but I’m not sure how I feel about this new concept.
Now hold onto your hat as here's the real kicker. This new Kindle is only priced 25.00 cheaper then the current Kindle 3 Wi-Fi edition. Huh????? Only 25.00 cheaper? The idea itself is great, but my thought process is they should cut the price in half. The ad free version is 139.00 and this one is 114.00. Now if they offered it for 75.00 you'd have my attention. But a savings of 25.00 is just not enough to make this a winning plan and my hunch is the majority of people will agree with me.
The ads won't be shown within the ebooks rather they will appear as screensavers and on the home screen of the device itself. The actual ebooks that are downloaded will not be affected. So it's not like you'll be reading a book and have some annoying ad pop up in your face. The ads will be subtle and part of the user interface. You'll even be given some say in the types of ads that are shown. You can pre-order one now with shipping to begin on May 3rd by going to http://tinyurl.com/45x2kjw
Again, not a bad idea but for this to take off Amazon needs to go back to the drawing board on the price. Please leave your thoughts and comments below.
For more information see:
Thursday, March 24, 2011
"New vs. Old Twitter - How to Search and Save Searches"
Sometimes you might have a need to do a search and find all tweets related to a certain term. Perhaps you heard about a new product related to your niche (area of expertise) and you want to see what’s being said on twitter. No problem!
In the old version of Twitter, the search box is on the right side of the screen. Enter your search terms and click on the magnifying glass.
On the search results page, Click on “Save This Search” to keep a record of your search.
Your saved searches will appear in the right menu whenever you want to view them as shown below:
New Twitter:
In the new version, the search box is at the top of the screen to the right of the Twitter logo. Enter your search terms then click on the magnifying glass to search and click your mouse.
On the search results page, you can click “Save this Search” Just like in the old version, you can click on “Save this Search” to save your search for future use. However, as you can see, the button to “Save this search” is larger than in the old version.
Then your saved searches will appear in your top menu anytime you want to access them. For example:
Twitter is known for being a great source for news so if you hear of something going on in the world, do a search and you will most likely find some tweets about it.
Twitter is also a great tool for doing research. Thinking of writing an ebook on “weight loss for women”? Search Twitter periodically to find out what people are saying about your topic and what questions they are asking.
Related articles
- Bing News Adds Tweets To News Results (searchengineland.com)
- Google introduces new Twitter snippets in search results (downloadsquad.switched.com)
- Google adds search features to Android, iOS devices (creativedepartment.com)
Monday, March 14, 2011
“What are 4 Things a Blogger Can Easily Outsource?”

Image via Wikipedia
Blogging is a great way to get started making money online – BUT – it’s work. (All good things come with some effort, right?)
The absolute worst thing a new blogger can do is to do nothing. Yet, that’s what happens to many bloggers when they’re first getting started. While waiting to get their blog just perfect, they do nothing and, instead, spin their wheels – stuck in one place.
Meanwhile, they get frustrated, their dreams fade, and they end up giving up before they even had a fighting chance. It’s sad, especially since many of them are talented writers, are passionate about their topic, and have a lot to share with the world.
So, what can a new blogger do to avoid this from happening?
Simple. Outsource.
But, what, exactly is “Outsourcing“?
Outsourcing is just a fancy word for getting someone qualified to quickly and efficiently do a job for you that you
1. don’t have time for,
2. don’t want to do, or
3. don’t have the skills to do.
But what can you outsource, and how? And, can you afford to?
All great questions. Here are 4 tasks you can immediately outsource for a modest price (and boost your blogging efforts at the same time).
1. Blog Installation and Optimization.
If you’re planning to blog, the one thing you’ll need is a web host. Why not choose a multipurpose web host that will also install your blog for you? Both MomWebs.com and ReliableWebs.com will install your WordPress blog for you. Why would they jump through these hoops? They want you to succeed so that you become a customer for many years. As part of their service, both web hosts will also recommend and install plugins for you for a reasonable fee.
There’s no point in getting paralysis by analysis. This is an easy decision to get over your first hurdle – actually getting your WordPress blog online and ready to roll.
2. Design.
One thing I outsource gladly is graphics. When I try to do my own, they look unprofessional and, downright tacky. When I pay a more talented professional to create my graphics, they look awesome! You can find a professional designer at Shelancers.com who can make your blog look snazzy – just look around. Of course, you can also search places like eLance.com, but I’d suggest that you ask for a recommendation from a friend (or even on Twitter) before going with someone totally untested.
3. Content Management.
Keeping your blog active with fresh content can be a feat in itself. BUT – there is a big secret that bloggers use to make their lives much easier. It’s called PLR content and it’s something that I’ve also used in the past.
What is PLR content? Basically, PLR articles are written by ghostwriters and sold at a very affordable price (usually around $1-2 per article) to multiple bloggers and website owners. So, as a blogger, you can purchase these articles, and stick them on your blog. Or, as I recommend, you edit them a bit before posting them to your blog. While PLR is not totally hands-free – it can help you to get over the hurdle of having to write all of the content for your blog all by yourself.
By the way, the place I recommend you look for PLR Articles is EasyPLR.com http://easyplr.com/go.php?af=977615&u=www.easyplr.com
Of course, you can save even more time by hiring a Virtual Assistant to add the PLR that you purchase to your blog for you so that it’s waiting in there the next time you face writer’s block (as we all do).
4. Community.
Do you ever hear the sound of crickets when you go to your blog? How do some bloggers get such a conversation going while others seem to be talking to themselves? The answer may not be what you think. Another big secret of top bloggers is that they sometimes “seed” conversations with their own assistants and friends. Yes, they have commenters who are paid to come by and leave comments to keep the conversation going. Pretty cool, isn’t it?
While you don’t have to go quite that far, it doesn’t hurt to be “comment buddies” with some friends and help keep each others blogs active with conversation.
What Next?
Outsourcing can be a big scary thing if you’re trying to figure it out on your own. So, if you’d like to learn more about how to Outsource in your Online Business, I recommend this course: http://www.OutsourceWeekly.com (You’ll see a free series of lessons on the top of that page.)
Or grab this outsourcing ebook with over 140 resources for less then 10.00 http://www.mcpromotions.com/outsourcing/index.htm