I've got a real treat for you today. My friend, Ronnie Nijmeh, has a PLR club that provides the best self-help PLR content out there, plus he does monthly mastermind coaching teleseminars for members-only.
Well, I was able to twist his arm to give me a free MP3 recording from one of his past members-only teleseminars. It's called: "PLR PROFITS" Go here to get your no cost access now:
If you've always wanted to use PLR (or want to explode your traffic and sales with PLR), then you should listen in. Here's a sneak peek of what Ronnie covered in the MP3:
- What PLR is and why you need it
- How to use private label content for traffic generation,
loyalty building, and product creation
- Creative approaches to use and profit from PLR
Get access to this free training MP3: http://www.plr.me/id/plrtraining/msmerle
P.S. This coming Tuesday the 15th, Ronnie's releasing this
must-have PLR pack. It's five complete, ready-to-sell products.
On the bottom of the page, there's an Early Bird sign-up form.
You'll want to enter your name and email so you'll beat the rush: