Monday, February 16, 2009

"Google Adwords: A Whole Lot More Then Text"

By Merle

Google Adwords is one of the reigning champions when it comes to pay-per-click advertising with the search engines. Believe it or not, they launched their program about 8 years ago and it’s been added to and improved upon ever since. p_127

Google is not one to lay dormant. They're constantly adding on enhancements and expanding their services to fit the needs of today's online entrepreneurs.

When Google first launched Adwords, you only had the option of running ads in text format. Well, you know that saying, "You've come a long way baby". It really applies here. Along with text ads, you can also choose from image and video ads.

Let's review your options:

1) Text Ads: The first and still the most popular
of all advertising options. Total lines allowed
are four which include your url. Nothing fancy
here, so make sure your ad copy is powerful
and includes a strong call to action.

2) Image Ads: Utilize your logo or other images for
your ad copy. Can be static or animated. Ads don't
appear on search sites, but are distributed through
out the content network. Make sure you've opted into
the content network in order for your ads to be

Ad formats can be .jpg, gif, or .png. Animated ads
can also be in flash format. Sizes available include:
250X250 square, 468X60 banner, 728X90 leaderboard,
300 X250 inline rectangle, 36X280 large rectangle,
120X600 skyscraper or 60X600 wide skyscraper.

2) Video Ads: How about advertising with short
videos? These ads also appear in Google's Content
Network. The videos appear as a static image and
the viewer must click on the video to actually play
it. If while the video is playing, the viewer clicks
on the url at the bottom of the ad, or clicks on the
video while it's playing, they are instantly taken
to the advertisers website. This type of ad can be
purchased on a CPC, (when they click and go to your
site) or on a CPM basis, (when the video is played).

As a side note, you can also reach cell phone users with "Mobile Ads". If a cell phone user searchesGoogle, ads are displayed. Only 2 lines of text with your url being the third line. Advertisers can choose from pay per click, (when someone visits your mobile site), or "pay per call", when they click on the call button. Image ads are also available here.

So there you have it. In case you thought Google only offered text ads, now you know all of your available options. No matter if you choose text, image, video or mobile ads, Google Adwords is definitely an innovator when it comes to pay-per-click advertising. Make sure
to include this leader in your next online advertising campaign.

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