Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Don't Just Type Your "Tweets"- Speak Them"

By Merle

When it comes to social networks, Twitter is definitely king. With millions of users, and new ones coming on board daily, this micro-blogging service is a very powerful communication tool. twitter-bird-1

In the space of 140 characters, you can type short messages and instantly send them to your "followers".  But what if you don't have Internet access and you still want to send those tweets? No problem. If you have a phone, you can speak your messages, and within a short amount of time see them posted on Twitter.

Let's review some of the services that can be used to make this possible.


Your voice message can be up to 140 seconds long. Your followers can even use reply codes and respond in kind to your messages. You can register up to two phones per Twitter account. After registering, you'll need to call a New York or California phone number to record your outgoing tweets. If you live out of state, you will be charged long distance call rates.


Local access numbers are provided which you can call.  All you need to do is enter in your username and password, and start talking. Your followers will receive a tweet that contains a link back to your audio message. Simple.


It doesn't get any easier than this. Once registered, call 877-TWEETCALL and speak your "tweet". Within minutes, it’s passed on to your Twitter account. Your user name and password for this site are the same as your Twitter account.


No Internet access? This free service makes it possible to speak your message into any phone, and within 5 to  10 minutes have it posted on Twitter. You'll need to ask for an "invitation" to be able to register for TwitterFone. Local numbers are provided. "Twitter Streams" can also be replied to, or direct messages can also be sent.

So, the next time you want to tell the world what you're up to, forget the computer and “speak your tweets”. Now that you know how easy it is to do, you might find that this is your favorite way of updating your followers,and "Tweet Speak" might just become your second language. I sure wish they would have taught this in High School.<grin>

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